Five Dollar Footlong- Exclusive offer from Subway that promises anal leakage for just five dollars. If the food doesn't deliver this, the commercials certainly will. It also implies that we want to pay less to eat more, when I'd much rather pay $10 to not have to eat at Subway.
I concur and whats stupid is 5 dollars its only like 49 cents less then the orginal price and Id rather spring for the grand daddy of them all the 14 incher at wegmans for a respectable 7.59
$5 Footlong - also refers to the size and cost of an STI-riddled male hooker. We come cheaper than most.
The most dick thing about subway is that they've been doing the 5 dollar foot long thing for like a year and half now, they've got the damn song stuck in everyone's heads, but they still treat it as if its a special price. I tried using a coupon one time at subway to save a dollar off my sub and they have the nerve to tell me I can't use it because that only applies the original price of sub. What kind of bull shit scam is that?
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